Thursday, September 5, 2019

Job vs. Job Announcement: Federal Resume

Okay resume not tailored for the specific job announcement not job title in which you are applying for okay so. This is a very common mistake so let's say I'm an employee sitting in a specific position and let's say for example I'm a program support assistant like a GS 6 or something like. If you want to know smth about me read here That and I see. Another job announcement for a program support assistant GS 6 but in another department which I think that'll be a better environment for me right so it's a lateral position same job title.

I do have employees who think. I use the resume same resume. I applied for my current job as a program support assistant. That it's suitable to use to apply for this next job. Because it's the exact same title exact same grade level right right the reason why that's a mistake is because. Although that the. Both jobs have the same job title and seemingly same roles there are going to be nuances of the two jobs. That are different for example the the resume. I might have used for this this job. I of course. I I mentioned things like I've done reports spreadsheets. I communicate with my department effectively.

I advise my management. I resolve problems ok which is great it's common so but. This next job you're applying for program support assistant. They might have. Another specific skillset. That they need. That I do not currently doing this job for example. I like to use the example of timekeeping this program support assistant in this new job. They want someone who's gonna act as a primary or even a backup timekeeper ok well. This is the thing. I know wait a minute 4 or 5 years ago our job. I did timekeeping but. I didn't mention. It applying for this job. Because it wasn't relevant but. This next job.

I failed to mention. It for this next job then it's one less thing that is not going to qualify. Me for that job so again just. Because you have the same job titles of the job you're applying for or you want to tailor your resumes for the specific job announcement. Another example of. That is let's say. I am I'm a gs5 medical support assistant right. I patients come into the Medical Center. I check them in I schedule appointments. I schedule consult so on and so forth well.

I apply for another crew medical support assistant job in a different service and let's say for example the job. I currently have the clinic. I work in is a very stationary job. I have a specific desk. I come and I sit on every day. I check in patients but in the new job I'm applying for they. That kind of Department of. That clinic is spread out through the community in let's say four different locations so but so. They want someone who has a good driving record is an exact copy of their drivers license and also talks about their ability to be productive at different locations maybe throughout the week well.

I use the same resume to apply for this job for the next. One who requires a little bit of travel a little bit of you know of travel around town or work in different locations it's not gonna be the best fit I'm not gonna highlight my abilities well enough right so. We want to make sure. You look at the specific job announcement not just the job title.

Because that might tie in to. You being angry later on when you're maybe. You qualify but you're not the best qualified. You don't even get selected for an interview and something something is significant as. That is might. What eliminated. You from that that hiring pool does. That make sense.

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